Successful campaigns are based on three areas. I am happy to support you in all of them:
Development of campaign strategies. Key questions are: What is the situation that you want to change? Who is responsible for it (individuals, companies, government institutions)? What are possible solutions? Whom do we need to address to achieve these solutions (not always the same as those responsible for the situation)?
I help organisations find answers to these questions and come up with a feasible campaign strategy.
Networking and coordination. To achieve the goal of a campaign, organisations often need to cooperate with other actors – other organisations and individuals. It is important to know how to engage people to participate in the campaign, how to make them feel that this is their own cause, not just the issue of a partner.
I help in identifying potential partner organisations and individuals (including international partnerships) and what they possibly can contribute to the cause. I also support the next step: Contacting them and convincing them to participate. I may also carry out the coordination work in alliances for you, facilitate decision making processes and make sure that all partners are informed about everything relevant at the same time.
Public relations. I do all work necessary for public relations. I write all kinds of texts (e.g. articles, letters, petitions, press releases) for you, launch a campaign website and update it. I do the social media work. Or I simply advise you on doing these things.
Of course, I can also carry out the media work for you (contacting journalists, organizing a press conference, drafting press releases). I can assume the role of a speaker but would recommend that you do this yourself because it is much more authentic and that’s what the media needs for their story (but I am happy to help you prepare for interviews).